Les Joly's Autos | A wide choice of new and used parts for your Lancia Fulvia
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Mounts too on Lancia FLAVIA, coupé 2000, ....
Attention !! :
The design of the ORIGINAL bellows on the wheel side means that it may be exposed to lifespan problems. The bead going on the inside towards the cardan nose (CV JOINT) can be eaten away by the tripod, if the bellows has been positioned too close to the cardan nose. As a result, during major robberies, the tripods wears out the bellows from the inside, and it can be scratched after 500 km or less. When assembling, take care not to bring the collar on the shaft side too close to the CV joint.
The simplest solution is to mount our adaptable bellows, Ref TRA025. With this bellows profile, no problem!
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